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Hellenic Entomological Society: Athanasios Sotiroudas Scholarship

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The Hellenic Entomological Society(HES) awarded the Athanasios Sotiroudas Scholarship of 2015-2016 in a ceremony that took place during the Agrotica Expo on Saturday January 30th, 2016.
Athanasios Sotiroudas the founder of AgroSpeCom, together with Dimitrios Kontodimas the President of HES awarded the Scholarshipto the selected students at the GEOTEE booth.

“I wish that you have important achievements in your lives and that this reward will give you a smile that is equally important to hard work” underlined Mr. Sotiroudas during the ceremony. The Athanasios Sotiroudas Scholarship is awarded yearly to a graduate student who chooses Stored Product Entomology for his Master degree.

You may see the photos or read more on this event on the HES Newsletter, here

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