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Insect pests are responsible for substantial damage to museum objects, historic books and similar objects.

Phosphine Precision Fumigation

When it comes to controlling pests, precision is the most important word. Fumigation requires detailed planning, punctual execution and monitoring of effectiveness and safety. Phosphine fumigation can be successful despite resistant insects, with the use of modern monitors like Centaur wireless sensors. Major points when fumigating with phosphine:

  1. Test and improve the tightness of assets.
  2. Test for resistant insects.
  3. Recycle the fumigant to achieve equilibrium.
  4. Spray with contact insecticides, around the fumigated area.
  5. Respect the duration, concentration and temperature of the fumigation protocol.
  6. Monitor throughout the fumigation on 4-hour-intervals, for effectiveness and safety.
  7. Aerate according to label.
  8. Check for surviving insects.
  9. Keep the fumigated products for the period required on the label.
  10. Keep clear and complete fumigation records. Ideally use the Centaur platform with all records on the cloud.

Watch why phosphine fumigations fail, here

    Heat treatment

    Heat treatment is a unique tool combining the organic attribute with top insect mortality. Heat can treat factories, empty silos and rooms in less than 24 hours.

    Heat offers the most effective fumigation in the world. No insect species can withstand 55oC for more than an hour. No chemicals needed, no residues left behind.

    We can heat treat a whole factory, only a selected part or only a machine. Heat treatment offers the most effective treatment in 24 hours or less. AgroSpeCom is offering heat treatments since 2008. Watch a flour mill heat treatment here.

    Silo Heat Treatment

    Start the new season with clean and fresh silos, killing all insect stages, even eggs. The silo heat treatment is a 2-in-1 solution as it also contributes to a passive cleaning of crust on the silo walls and to mold drying.

    Save on silo cleaning by applying heat treatment once a year. Heat offers the most effective fumigation in the world.

    CO2 or N2 fumigation

    Low oxygen treatment using Nitrogen and CO2 are two options of controlled atmosphere treatments. Both are BIO accepted and are so effective that many companies prefer them over chemical fumigations. AgroSpeCom offers these treatments in chambers, silos or bubbles. We also construct treatment chambers and Control Atmosphere (CA) units. For treatments in the AgroSpeCom chambers, read the SFL paragraph.

    Read this published research on the effectiveness of nitrogen.

    SF fumigation

    Sulfuryl fluoride is a fumigant that can be used for the treatment of factories or dry fruits and nuts.

    Its registration is expected in 2024.