Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Every defense system starts with the need to know your
enemy. A risk assessment identifies the potential pests, the level of risk and it aids the specialist to design the pest
management system.
It all started as Pest Control, using as a “run and gun”
approach to make the pest disappear, without paying
attention to the root cause or even to the safety of the
people and food involved.
In the 90s it became more sophisticated, renamed as IPM,
respecting prevention, monitoring and control.
Today there are many more parameters taken into
consideration in the war against pests. From managing
resistance to sustainability, IPM in the 20s is transforming to
360o Pest Management.
Insects, rodents, birds and reptiles are on target and the
system performance is constantly monitored towards
> Heat Treatment
Heat offers the most effective fumigation in the world. No
insect specie can withstand 55oC for more than an hour. No
chemicals needed, no residues left behind.
Heat treatment is the best option for bed bugs and wood
boring insects. It is also very effective against cockroaches
and stored product insects.
Heat treating a room for bed bugs, leaves no residues, poses
no risks and gives 100% insect and egg mortality.
Additionally, heat treatment is the only method that will
have the room ready within the same day, with no risk of
surviving insects.
> Hotel Quality & Food Safety systems
Designing and auditing HACCP systems
Is of key importance for every food and meal producer. The role of the consultant is more important than that of the Certification body, because the consultant sees the true picture. The picture of what starts as an intention, evolves to an effort and ends as a success story!
• What do I gain by a real haccp system?
Fewer mistakes keep your brand safe.
•Who designs and audits the haccp systems?
AgroSpeCom consultants design the system and run the
internal audits. A Certificate Body comes for the final audit.
• Why do I need AgroSpeCom for my system?
Only real and detailed systems will keep you running safely.
• How is a haccp system built?
risk analysis, realistic procedures, wireless sensors, platform operation and continuous training, drive a hotel to safe waters.
> Personnel training
The ideal training is the training that is designed on the findings of an audit. Then the material of the training and the examples are based on the real findings of the specific company.
AgroSpeCom is always proposing an Audit & Training package, to achieve the most around food safety
> Disinfection
Involves the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms, with the use of a chemical substance or compound used to inactivate or destroy microorganisms on inert surfaces and objects. Sometimes heat is also a method to destroy pathogens. When many people work or spend time in a closed environment, the airborne microbes and viruses can be easily transmitted. The aeright™ system monitors the quality of the air 24/7 and issues alerts for corrective actions. More on aeright™ can be found here.