Phosphine Fumigation
Fumigating a container is not as easy as people think. Containers are not airtight even when they are brand new. They leak through the floor and door.
Proper sealing and continuous fumigation monitoring are essential. A top-up is often required.
In transit fumigation of containers is rarely successful as continuous monitoring is not easy and top-up is not possible.
AgroSpeCom is using Centaur wireless sensors in all fumigations and the concentration graph is attached to every certificate.
> BMSB Treatment
Treating goods for the Brown Marmorated Sting Bug is a requirement of the Australian and New Zealand import authorities. AgroSpeCom was the first Greek fumigation company to receive the BMSB license in 2018. Since then, we have successfully treated thousands of containers. Treatment monitoring is mandatory and AgroSpeCom uses Centaur wireless sensors and platform in all treatments, attaching the graph to all certificates.

> Khapra beetle treatment
Treating goods for the Khapra beetle is another requirement of the Australian import authorities. AgroSpeCom was the first Greek fumigation company to receive this license in 2021. Treatment monitoring is mandatory and we use Centaur wireless sensors and platform in all treatments.
> ISPM-15 treatment
AgroSpeCom is the only fumigation company in Greece to carry an SPM-15 license. This is the license for treating wood for export. The IPPC (International Plant Protection Convention) issued this protocol for treating wood materials, used to ship products between countries. Its main purpose is to prevent the international transport and spread of disease and insects that could negatively affect plants or ecosystems. ISPM 15 affects all wood packaging material (pallets, crates, dunnage, etc.) of a thickness greater than 6mm. This mark of compliance is known as the “wheat stamp” and AgroSpeCom carries the number GR-0034

> Container heat treatment
Heat can treat full and empty containers against insects. The temperature needs to reach lethal levels, for all insect stages. The temperature level and the duration are set by international protocols or are selected based on the insect species.