Managing insects and other
pests in houses
The challenges with city houses are usually cockroaches and bedbugs. Well trained professionals find the root cause of each problem and eradicate it.
All modern methods are applied, combining new technologies with registered biocides.
The basic steps include
1. Identify the problem
2. Design a strategy
3. Solve the challenge
> Heat Treatment
Heat offers the most effective fumigation in the world. No
insect specie can withstand 55oC for more than an hour. No
chemicals needed, no residues left behind.
Heat treatment is the best option for bed bugs, fleas and
wood boring insects. It is also very effective against
cockroaches and stored product insects
.Heat treating a house, leaves no residues, poses no risks and gives 100% insect and egg mortality. The treatment needs less than 24 hours and has no risk of surviving insects

> Wood boring insects
Termites and woodworms are wood-eating insects that are harmful as they puncture furniture woods, tree trunks,
wooden floors, timber, and more. In Greece, the problem is very common. All modern methods are applied, combining new technologies with registered biocides.
The basic steps include:
1. Identify the wood boring insect
2. Design a strategy
3. Solve the challenge
The most effective treatment is the heat treatment as heat penetrates in the wood center and can find the insects everywhere in a construction.
> Birds
Bird infestation can result in property damage, product contamination and disease. There are several solutions against pest bird issues.
The most effective method is to keep the birds away by installing nets and closing small openings. Other tools against birds include predator decoys, bird gels, sound and ultrasonic devices.
AgroSpeCom can help you turn a dirty and ugly balcony into a clean and nice area.

> Snakes
Snakes and other reptiles are cold-blooded and their body temperature is similar to that of the environment. They become inactive during the cold months but due to climate change, the last years, reptiles remain active all around the year. The risk of snakes entering houses and working spaces is realistic even in the winter. Snake repellents are used to keep them away from areas that people live.
With the new climate challenges, the application of reptile repellents shall be repeated every 3 months, even in the wintertime