> Smart storage
The Internet-of-Crops® platform provides unique storage
insights to maximize quality and prevent post-harvest loss for
sustainable supply chains. Data from sensors within stored
product is combined with environmental information and
predictive models to recommend appropriate interventions
that maximize stored crop quality. Furthermore, post-harvest
crop conditions are tracked and made available at the click of
a button, offering quality reporting from farm to fork, and
augmenting traceability and proof-of-provenance.
AgroSpeCom is a proud reseller of the Centaur technology.
• What do I gain by a smart silo?
No loses, no failures.
• Who makes the sensors and platform?
Centaur engineers design and assembly. AgroSpeCom engineers set them up in your silos and warehouses.
• Why do I need AI monitoring?
This is the only way to safely store grain.
• How is a silo becoming smart?
Wireless sensors, platform operation, AI prediction

> Empty Silo Heat Treatment
Start the new season with clean and fresh silos, killing all insect stages, even eggs and drying mold. The silo heat treatment is a 2-in-1 solution as it also contributes to a passive cleaning of crust on the silo walls. Save on silo cleaning by applying heat treatment once a year. Heat offers the most effective fumigation in the world. No insect specie can withstand 55oC for more than an hour. No chemicals needed, no residues left behind. Have the most effective treatment in a few hours.
AgroSpeCom is offering heat treatments since 2008
> Silo Precision Fumigation
When it comes to controlling for pests, precision is most important word. Usually, this is a large-scale operation, not frequently repeated.
Fumigation requires detailed planning, punctual execution and monitoring of effectiveness and safety. Phosphine fumigation can be successful despite resistant insects, with the use of modern monitors like Centaur wireless sensors.
Watch why phosphine fumigations fail here. Low oxygen treatment using Nitrogen is an applied controlled atmosphere method. It is BIO accepted and so effective that many companies select it over conventional fumigation. A CA mobile unit for treating silos, designed and constructing by AgroSpeCom, is showed on this photo.
Read this published research on the effectiveness of nitrogen.

> Cloud based
fumigation platform
Fumigation is the strongest weapon in the battle against insects. Fumigation needs to be precise. Precision is related to designing, predicting and monitoring. AgroSpeCom uses wireless sensors in every fumigation, connected to the Centaur cloud based platform. An alert is issued when a treatment diverts from the planned path. A complete base with all treatment records is available online and each treatment data is shared with the customer with the customer, in real time.
If you want to try REAL fumigations,
give us a call.
> Airtight silos
Silos are not designed to be airtight unless specifically requested before construction. Leaking silos are a threat to people safety and fumigation efficacy.
AgroSpeCom is offering silo sealing services for complete or part solutions, on existing silos. A silo tightness can be tested through a pressure test.
Check your silos today and make your
fumigations sustainable